In our view, completing a course, however good (and ours are great!) is not sufficient to make you competent in using a particular model or style of therapy. It requires practice, reflection and coaching to become adept at using new skills and applying new concepts. Both of us have invested a lot of time, effort and money being supervised, coached and mentored by senior practitioners (like Ellyn Bader & Pete Pearson, the founders of the Developmental Model).
We are offering you the opportunity to have the same experience. To become fully trained in the Developmental model through a combination of individual supervision (10 monthly sessions minimum) and group supervision (2 Case Discussion days). Supervision sessions are $230 per hour (inc GST) and Case Discussion Days $330 inc GST.
This is a good investment in yourself and your career. Good couple therapists are in high demand. People who have completed this kind of training with us now have completely full practices – they are all turning clients away.
Contact us now to register your interest: or